English language centres in the UK offer world-class teaching and student support.
Studying English in the UK is a life-changing experience for students. High-quality English language courses, an option to suit students of all ages and endless places to explore and practice English.
Quality assurance
The UK’s strict accreditation standards ensure students have a productive and enjoyable study experience in the UK.
Students will find high standards of teaching, services and facilities when they study at an accredited language centre.
Access UK higher education
An English language course in the UK can help students access the UK’s world-class higher education system.
UK universities offer high teaching standards, world-leading research and shorter programmes than other countries.
Caring for young learners
The UK is a world leader in safeguarding young learners.
When language centres are accredited by the British Council for the teaching of English, they have robust safeguarding procedures to protect all children and teenagers under 18 years old.
Explore the UK
The UK is a small country will good transport links, making it easy for students to explore, through school-organised excursions or independent travel. They will find exciting cities, ancient castles, historic buildings and dramatic landscapes.
English language centres continue to welcome international students to the UK. The success of the UK’s vaccination programme means students can travel with confidence. Some restrictions remain in place to keep everyone safe. There are different requirements for passengers arriving to the UK, depending on where they are travelling from. Read more +
Rebuilding confidence together.
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